Monday, October 26, 2009

Bluebell the Fairy

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Octupus's Garden

Not quite. But it is all about octopi. Kind of fitting for October, don't you think?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flower Royalty

She started on the back (which you can see) but then started again. I especially love the guitar-playing flower, the clapping flower, and the little princess flower. Even the sky has a face (just to the right of King Flower). I told her that I love how she comes up with such neat things to draw and asked her how she comes up with her ideas. She said that she first thinks of a story. Pretty amazing creative brain this girl has.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Recent Drawings

"Momma Cat and her Kittens"

"This is a house in the mountains. The people at the house are saying bye to their aunt. The little girl in the picture loves to climb on the trees."

"Imaginary Dog with Two Puppies"
(Inspired by "dod the dog" from her brother's reading lessons)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to Z!

For Z's birthday party we were able to get a bounce house, complete with water slide. I'm doing a photography swap for the friend of mine who owns GooseJumps. Anyways, I was really excited and kept it as a secret from Z until Robyn came to set up that morning. We were worried about the weather, but luckily we only had a few drops and a bit of thunder, during which time we took all the kids inside to watch a little Spongebob while they warmed up. We had about 20 kids here, which was a bit crazy but lots of fun. I am grateful for outside birthday parties!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Math Cake

Zion finished her Primer math book this past week and I wanted to do something special to celebrate. She opted to have a cake, as she LOVES cake. (She had a "100 Cake" when she mastered counting to 100 by herself, too.) She's doing really well with her math studies. We use the Math U See curriculum and I think it is great. It does a great job of cementing the reality of numbers, which I think is often lost when kids just memorize math facts. This week she starts the Alpha set. Whoo hoo!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

big sister

I wanted to post these pictures of Z and her baby brother. She is such a big help to me--she's always willing to hold him when I need to do something and it's obvious that he loves his big sister a lot.

Thanks for all your help!


Monday, March 2, 2009

my rat Tom

One nice thing about homeschool is I can have Tom with me. He likes to hang out in his basket while I do my school.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Shout out to Auntie Jenn.

Crazy Diva Zion sends a shout out to Auntie Jenn.
Happy Birthday!!!
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Monday, February 23, 2009


Zion: Here I made this especially for you Daddy!
Dad: Thanks, I'll finish what I'm doing and look at it latter.
Many hours go by...
Dad: Oh? I forgot to look. Wow! She's figuring out perspective. Darn it. I let that moment slip.
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Marty the Zebra

I'm sick today. It's no fun. But at least I get to watch movies. I drew this picture of Marty the Zebra from Madagascar while Clive and I were watching the movie.